Freitag, 30. November 2007

Crime has a vital role in our booming economy

(Zynische Sicht des Kriminalitaetsproblems in SA)

Making accurate crime statistics available for public scrutiny on a regular basis is a very irresponsible practice for any government or institution. It may cause reactions that might harm our rapidly growing economy.

Crime, like stress in humans, places healthy pressure on the economy to function optimally. If you're a victim of crime it is best to keep your trap shut. Loose lips sink gravy ships.

Imagine if there was no crime! Countless jobs would be lost in the security industry. They will all relocate to Baghdad.

Not to mention the tourist industry. Millions flock to South Africa to experience the rush of being violated.

Sport - 2010 is around the bend. Here and abroad, criminals are rubbing glue on their long fingers and cleaning their weapons. During the World Cup they are going to have a ball. I will join the first gang of hooligans I see, just to be part of it all.

Brain drain? What brain drain? Medical students from other countries come here to gain experience in treating stab wounds and gunshot wounds in our hospitals.

Engineers come here to study and to invent state-of-the-art security systems. Law graduates come to study court cases and learn how to lie through their teeth.

Needless to say, crime also helps to prevent over-population. Fifty people a day are murdered in South Africa.

Face it, crime pays. In South Africa it is an industry that fuels our economy. It is a way of life.

Barend Buitekamer

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